My spousal unit and I often joke about how the English mispronounce Spanish words even worse than people in the US. "Jaguar" [JAG-YOO-ARR] is one such irritant. It always reminds me of an advertisment for English classes in Tegucigalpa that tried to make learning English seem really easy by using homophones. A cartoon coati is saying "Jaguar you?" to a fox who exclaims 'I am Zorry". If you don't speak Spanish that will make no sense but if you do it's highly amusing.
Actually "Jaguar" is an English word that's been imported from the original Spanish. You don't get Julius Ceasar posting in his blog about being irritated that we're not prouncing all our latin words like proper Italians. Anybody that walks around England talking about "who-ares" is a twat.
The US is particularly guilty of mangling the French language (renaissance, croissant, nativity, eyc).
I imagine that Spanish speaking people probably "mispronounce" a lot of English imports too. It's all part of the exciting adventure that is the evolution of the spoken word.
Another argument in favor of my proposal that everyone in the world learns Esperanto.
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