Monday, October 26, 2009

Man Showing of his Cabbages

Spreckles, California is an odd town. It's where John Steinbeck worked as a kid in the sugar refinery (now a national monument) and there's really not much else there. Recently, the town installed huge twenty foot tall cut out farm workers in the fields which are still worked by regular sized 3D farm workers. I really liked this proud farmer with his cabbages.


J. Lemon said...

... or are they lettuces?

Woo Pig Brewey! said...

LOL Well, either way, at least they aren't blue.

Dom said...

Mr. Lemon, thisis with regard to your "there's not much else going on in Spreckels" statement. Please don't forget about Claus Spreckels and his dastardly son, Adolph, shooting Michael De Young in SF over a slanderous article concerning the Spreckels family. Also, those silos next to the refinery, though out of use, are now used on occasion by the FBI and other agencies when practicing counterterrorism operations. Trust me, it's not very reassuring to see black helicopters hovering over the town, with men in black repelling onto abandoned sugar silos! I also believe that there is a 4th of July 10K run in Spreckels. Just a few examples of the many, oh so many wonderful things that are associated with Spreckels.

J. Lemon said...

With all due respect to the residents of Spreckles and their FBI overlords, I herewith offer a humble apology.