jackalope strip ran last week and by pure coincidence Steve Skelton over at
2 Cows and a Chicken ran a
frogalope strip a few days later. As one person on GoComics pointed out, the jackalope tradition is alive and well in the desert southwest. The jackalope is also called an antelabbit, aunt benny, Rabbicorn, Wyoming thistled hare or stagbunny.
Oh great, don't tell my parents there is such a thing as a Big Mouth Billy Bass-a-lopes. They still think the original singing bass is cutting edge humor.
Big Mouth Billy Bass is still the cutting edge humor to which all other cutting edge humors hopes to aspire.
Well, every time I go home to visit all VCRs blink 12:00 if that tells you anything.
Yes, I said VCRs.
And remember these: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolpertinger
Cracker - That is too funny! If I'm ever short of inspiration I'm gonna pay your parents a surprise visit!
Jim - Do you happen to know where I can score some Shope Papilloma virus?
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